This is my lovely lil Hayden Khin. He was born on 1 Jan 2009 at 13.18 hrs. He weighs 3,510grams and is 53cm long. Look at him, sleeping so soundly in his bed.
Who do you think he looks like? Mama, Papa or his bro Jaivyn?
The day before Hayden was born. went for an Eve Buffet dinner at Shang ri la's restuarant with bunch of Hubby's friends. lots of variety there and its not expensive, 13.80 euros per pax. eating to my heart's contents before going for delivery (unexpected due)
Here, Jaivyn waiting to be picked up for the outing.
After dinner, some went to the river side to play with the fire works.
Me and hubby did not join, went straight back home for the countdown.