Shopping during X'mas season is really congested in Germany.
Everywhere is packed with people.
We went to the Weihnachts Markt (Christmas Market) here where is so congested that we can hardly make our way. This Markt is something like our chinatown street during chinese new year.
so can you can imagine how we struggle our way thru with our baby stroller.
Hubby bought an Olympus camera, just in time for some X'mas picture.
We bought the blue one, like the one in the pic.
with 8 megapixels, can actually capture my pimples marks(omg)

manage to get X'mas present for hubby and Jaivyn.
They are now lying at my so called ''Christmas tree"in my hall, waiting to be opened on Christmas Day. Can't wait to see wat hubby got for me.